Navigating Transitions With Expert Guidance

Integrating strategic coaching and energy medicine to support executives and entrepreneurs through major life changes.

Navigating Transitions With Expert Guidance

Integrating strategic coaching and energy medicine to support executives and entrepreneurs through major life changes.

Release Pressure, Find Center, Live Your Truth

►Are you preparing to (or just sold) your business while thinking "Well...who am I NOW?"

► Are you a high stress professional dealing with burnout or significant personal challenges alongside your career?

►Are you an executive in transition considering a new career path so that you can cultivate even more inner peace but somehow feel blocked?

Welcome to Start Again Stronger where challenges become stepping stones to even greater confidence and clarity.

Hello fellow go-getter and inner journeyer,

My name is Nicole Nelson, professionally certified executive coach and energy medicine practitioner for 15+ years.

Executives and entrepreneurs hire me to guide their self-discovery during significant life transitions, helping them regain a solid sense of identity, direction, and confidence. Despite their incredible efforts and intellect, life has thrown a lot at them, and I'm here to help them navigate these challenges.

What my own journey has led me to discover is that every life challenge is handled even more effectively when addressed energetically.

So, using energy medicine and executive coaching, I guide you to become who you were always meant to be, but maybe life made you forget.

“Here is the amazing thing: the caterpillar and the butterfly have the exact same DNA. They are the same organism but are receiving and responding to a different organizing signal.”—Bruce H. Lipton, Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here

want to get started?

Tell me who you are.

Are you an INDIVIDUAL ?

Are you at a crossroads in your own personal evolution? Want to put down unnecessary pressures, feel more freedom, and become your most alive, awake and aware version of yourself? Known for creating clarity out of inner chaos, I've consulted incredible professionals like CEOs, VPs, PhDs, counselors, educators, nurses, managers, and entrepreneurs, across 2 continents and 6 industries for over 15 years. Each has entrusted me to provide compassionate and practical solutions to help heal what holds them back.

Are you a COMPANY ?

I specialize in streamlining complex processes for scalable growth, underpinned by strategic acumen developed at Johnson & Johnson’s Leadership Program, Yale Women's Leadership certificate program and 12 years experience as a people and operations leader in the IT sector. The nature of business breeds change but Change + Non-Stop Tactics = Chaos. Want your team to start again even stronger? Quarterly and annual strategic discovery days create a “reset” opportunity!

While not called for in every client engagement, my multi-modal approach of alternating strategic coaching with nervous system regulation using Energy Medicine is one of my remarkable differences. Energy Medicine is a word coined by three researchers who gathered at Boulder, Colorado, USA in the late 1980s and was officially included by the late 1990s as one of the five defined areas of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by the National Institutes of Health¹. If you are stressed, anxious, or physically drained, an energy medicine session can help you regain clarity and balance so that your actions can better align with how you naturally operate in the world.

Get in touch!

I integrate executive coaching with energy medicine, offering a holistic transformational experience. My unique ability to combine strategic coaching with deep emotional and energetic healing sets me apart from traditional executive coaches.



  • 518-306-1190

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